Hey !
I am Agnès, a psychiatrist specializing in attention deficit disorder (ADHD), a neurobiological condition characterised by difficulties in managing time and a tendency to procrastination
I created, initially for my patients, a ADHD planner, to help them organise their time according to their priorities

My mission ?
To help you regain control of your time so that you can move forward on the projects that are important to you while reducing your stress

The method?
Each planner comes with a short manual (in French, English & German) explaining all steps to follow

Once a week:
1. You identify your goals for the week
2. You fill in your master to-do list
3. You identify the priority level of each task

Each day:
1. You fill a mini gratitude journal to reduce your stress
2. You identify your goal for today
3. You report your appointments in the timeline
4. You fill your to-do list for today
5. You identify priority tasks
6. You complete tasks in the order of priority
7. You write down today's successes & feel proud about your day